Early morning midge hatches are bringing fish to the surface in the slack water and pools. With plenty of crane flies buzzing around in the early morning hours and fish chasing them down and rising on them, anglers have good opportunity to hook up with dead drifting and skating crane fly dries. Midge and crane fly activity are simultaneous in the early hours before the sun hits the water giving anglers good opportunities to catch fish on the surface. As soon as the sun hits the water nymph fishing becomes the most productive approach until midday. Hopper dropper fishing during the midday can bring some fish to hand. Foam bugs that mimic ants, beetles and hoppers will force fish to the surface in the heavier water, boulder fields and river bank sections with deeper holding water during midday. There are still decent PMD hatches mixed with BWO hatches in the afternoons that will give anglers a significant window to pick up fish on the surface. Look for evening time caddis and midge to pick up fish on the surface.

Here’s some patterns to have with when visiting the Owyhee, zebra midge nymphs, black, red and olive # 18-22, pheasant tail # 18/20, split back PMD # 18/20, split back BWO #20

Sparkle Dun PMD #18/20, CDC wing PMD Dun patterns #18/20, trailing shuck PMD emerger #18/20, PMD cripple patterns #18/20, CDC loop wing PMD emerger #18/20

Sparkle Dun BWO #20/22, CDC wing BWO Dun 20/22, CDC loop wing BWO emerger # 20

Griffith’s nat #20/22, Suspended midge #20/22, Adams #20-24

Crane fly patterns #10/12, Chernobyl ants brown & yellow # 8-12, Hopper patterns: Daves hopper, foam style hoppers # 8-12, beetles # 12/14, ants red and black body #16/18

Caddis x grey, brown, tan & green # 14/16, Elk hair caddis brown, green and grey #14/16, Renegade’s and Adams post patterns # 12 fish really well during a caddis hatch.